Take it one meal at a time

. Proteins, fats and carbs:
It is true that your food intake can be the biggest player in your weight gain as well as a weight-loss strategy. Again, the same food does not have the same effect on two different people. It may not even have the same effect on you if you try it over a period of time. Also, after changing your dietary habits, do not expect to see the results immediately or all at once. The effects are usually indefinite and imprecise. If implementing a dietary strategy over one-week cuts 1 pound of weight, it is not necessary that continuing to implement the same strategy over the next week will slash another pound from your weight. It could be more; it could be less. It is said that eating carbs create a craving for more carbs, hence eventually increasing your weight. If you want to cut your weight, cutting carbs is the first step followed by cutting bad fats.


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